Customer And Community Support
Adding value to businesses and associations which support a network of customers or members leading to increased customer satisfaction, retention and yield.

We seek to enter joint ventures with businesses and associations whereby we will add value to their communities by offering an increased range of support and service to them.
We offer...
a white labelled version of YBM Connect, co-branded to your organisation.
the support of our YBM Support Agent(s) to the community or clients.
access to all YBM services and facilities (including free membership) to communities.
specific support relating to the services or facilities the organisation offers.
Pricing And Revenue Guidelines:
There is no cost to the organisation which join us as Customer And Community Support Partners.
We do, however, require that the association with which we are working actively promotes the collaboration and YBM's facilities to its customers or community.
We offer our Customer And Community Support partners a 10% rebate of any fees we generate from Members who join through their Customer And Community Support program with us.
Customer And Community Support partners can also be Business Development or Sales Development Members, in which case the associated fees apply.
Lets talk and agree the model which best fits your needs.
Telephone: +61 (0)2 8091 5788 | Email:
"Your Boat Manager" is a business of Austol Pty Ltd
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