Lifejacket Testing Procedure

Based at Sydney’s Middle Harbour, Sail Safe is committed to servicing and repairing lifejackets to ensure optimum safety on the water. Lifejackets are tested according to ISO standards and manufacturers’ manuals and every lifejacket is tested under strict temperature and humidity-controlled conditions using calibrated equipment.
During the servicing, your lifejacket will be thoroughly inspected for damage, wear and scuffing. A pressure test is conducted by inflating the lifejacket to a specified pressure for a programmed period of time. If a lifejacket deflates, it will not be certified. The bladder, seams, buckles, straps, reflective tapes, whistles and lights are examined and out of date components are discarded and replaced. Auto cartridge/bobbins are checked for correct fit and expiry dates. CO2 cylinders are weighed and checked for damage or rust. If the cylinder - the component which inflates the lifejacket - is below the recommended weight, it will be discarded and replaced.
Servicing of lifejackets takes place over several days. Once your lifejacket has successfully passed the testing regime, it is re-folded to manufacturers’ specifications, Certified and ready for pick-up or delivery.
Ensuring the safety of the lifejackets we test is Sail Safe’s highest priority. All sailors should be safe on the water and if a lifejacket is worn, damaged or fails the pressure test it is recorded as a Fail and will not be certified. We always notify you if a lifejacket has failed the test and can organise a replacement if required.
We recommend that your lifejackets be serviced annually. All lifejackets have a lifespan – even lifejackets that have not been used can still deteriorate over time. Regular maintenance ensures that any wear and damage is identified in advance.
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